Muziek teksten & filmpjes

Muziek: The city I live in
This is a timelapse video of Groningen which I found on Youtube (tekst is copy/paste from Youtube): Beste mensen Dit is mijn Timelapsevideo over de mooie stad Groningen. Het kost te mij vier maanden om deze filmpje te maken. In deze tijd heb ik Groningen goed leren kennen. Ik vind Groningen één van de mooiste steden van Nederland, daarom wil ik deze video met jullie delen. De opnames zijn gemaakt op de volgende locaties: 1. De Tasman Toren (0,05) 2 .'Joods...
Muziek: Lost in despair
Another songtext of Ensiferum , this time Lost in Despair, again fits well with my current mood: I was lost, on my own and I couldn't bear the thought of my life I was gone, caught in the torturing memories And they burned like fire water can never heal such pain Can't you believe Nothing is real Can't you see I cannot feel Take me away Bury me in the sand cause after all these years I am still the same a sad and bitter man Crush my hope, grow my hate There's no home for me Nothing to give, nothing to say so tell me it's a dream
Muziek: A Tale of Revenge
Another Ensiferum songtekst, this time A Tale of Revenge and again, I can so relate to the text. He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown Like stillborn child drifting in the silent seas Of blood, crushing all his dreams No castle walls can hold the fury in his eyes Devotion for death, now controls his life No gold or silver can bring him consolation Only one thing is left inside him, the desire of revenge One light so cold and pale, sleeping quietly all alone One life so old and gray, wandering away from home Parted with a horrid...
