As most of you probably have noticed I added a popular content block to the blogs and stories sections. This is a view which uses the internal Drupal counters to see which content is accessed most in the past day and which in total. Surprisingly enough these counters are wildly inaccurate because they count search engines as well! So on any given day my Facebook Denied blog is most popular because it has more links on this site leading to the item then most of my other blogs have. Of course this is not satisfactory because this makes the popular block worthless basically...
I also got amazed at the amount of search engines indexing my website, there are a lot apparently! Even some Asian ones... So I guess I'll have to think about a carefully crafted robots.txt or a sitemap or some solution like that. Or find a way to filter the Drupal counters based on IP, however, the Drupal counters have no functionality for that as far as I know. If I Google this problem I get the recommendation to use a good stats program and not the Drupal counters