Technische blogs geschreven in January 2014

Technisch: Hackers, Crackers en Scriptkiddo's
Ik moet weer eens een stukje ergernis kwijt, dit keer over de term Hacker . Dit blogje is wel een beetje van een technische aard maar vooral bedoeld om eindelijk eens iets duidelijk te maken aan mensen die niet zo technisch zijn en het gaat eigenlijk over woorden en terminologie, niet de techniek, vandaar dat het toch een 'personal' blog is geworden. Definities De media smijt te pas en te onpas met de term Hacker , maar eigenlijk halen ze meerdere termen door elkaar, een korte definitie van de verschillende termen: Hacker - Iemand die code in elkaar hacked of bestaande code hacked, dit is...
: Popular content block
As most of you probably have noticed I added a popular content block to the blogs and stories sections. This is a view which uses the internal Drupal counters to see which content is accessed most in the past day and which in total. Surprisingly enough these counters are wildly inaccurate because they count search engines as well! So on any given day my Facebook Denied blog is most popular because it has more links on this site leading to the item then most of my other blogs have. Of course this is not satisfactory because this makes the popular block worthless basically... I also got amazed...
: New menu structure
As you can see I was getting a bit tired of the old menu structure, the menu's were annoying on a mobile device and some became so long that my site re-sized to a height to accommodate the menu while the content ended like 400 pixels higher in some cases. The last thing was of course just me being a prick and wanting to have stuff perfect. So, while still in place the top menu doesn't expand anymore (except the home button for the and about / contact pages which no-one ever uses), this has become the main navigation menu which only contains links to the different content sections. Each...
: Rate
Yesterday I implemented the Rate module in Drupal 7 on this website. It is now possible to give a thumbs up or down for my blog, drawings and photo galleries. I have my doubts if people actually will use it, but hey, because we can we implement it This module will give a percentage of how many people liked or disliked something, when no one has voted yet it will default be 50% like and 50% dislike. If one person likes something it will be 100%/0%, two likes and one dislike will result in 66%/33%, etc... For the photo galleries the voting will be for the whole gallery and not the individual...
Technisch: Changes on this site
Last few days I have changed some things on this website, most noticeable the block with latest content on the front page. I also changed some other things: URL changes Now also directs to this site. Of course will also still work. The old landing page is still available as default site for the other domains listed here (not really interesting): and * and * and * and * and * And of course Share...