Ubuntu 18 is dissapointing me....
First the whole we changed the network interface configuration file to YAML format and put it in a different location...
But now, new install, let's change the hostname, normally, just edit /etc/hostname, change it, reboot or use hostname -F /etc/hostname and done...
Not so much, reboot, hey, my old hostname is back, did I not safe the /etc/hostname file correctly?
Let's try again, edit /etc/hostname, change, save, reboot.
I got my old hostname...
Ok, google to the rescue...
Find page telling me to use hostnamectl set-hostname <new hostname>
Ok, do that, reboot, got my old hostname...
WTF? More google...
Ok, apparently after hostnamectl set-hostname <new hostname> if have to also edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and set preserve hostname to true.
WTF??? I am installing a standalone machine and just want to change the fucking hostname, why do I have a cloud.cfg? Why do I need to change shit in that? And why can't I just edit the /etc/hostname the old way? Why do I need to edit 2(!!) files to change 1(!!) thing??
I am running Linux right? Not Windows??