Technische blogs geschreven in all

Technisch: Changes on this site
Last few days I have changed some things on this website, most noticeable the block with latest content on the front page. I also changed some other things: URL changes Now also directs to this site. Of course will also still work. The old landing page is still available as default site for the other domains listed here (not really interesting): and * and * and * and * and * And of course Share...
technisch: Server Bashing
This morning and part of the afternoon some idiots have been trying to hack my website. They did this via brute force attacks on the node/add paths of my site in hopes to get past the login. Of course this didn't work. However, what did happen was that they didn't just bashed my site, nope, they bashed it so fast and obviously that the load on the shared hosting servers climbed to 8. Of course these morons didn't try to be subtle so soon enough alarms were triggered with the hosting company who in turn just restarted apache and mysql and banned the ips of the idiots trying to bash my site. So...
Technisch: Spam & Mollom
Due to the amount of spam comments I got in my drawings and blog sections, some time ago I implemented captcha support on this website. After a while it seemed that my captcha's got broken and I still got spam comments on many posts. So I tried several captcha systems, ReCaptcha, MathCaptcha and several others. Unfortunately none of these did the trick. I started moderating the comments, this kept the spam from showing up but now I had to deal with this on a daily basis. Two days ago there was a very annoying spam run which posted 40 comments within one minute and I got really annoyed with it...
: DigID/eID
Again Dutch but then again, this is a real Dutch subject. Vandaag las ik het volgende artikel: Ten eerste moet het mij van het hart dat dit het zoveelste systeem is wat in eerste instantie voor en door de overheid ontwikkelt is en nu eigenlijk commercieel ingezet gaat worden. Persoonlijk lijkt dit mij onwenselijk, kijk hoe geweldig het heeft gewerkt om het Openbaar Vervoer te privatiseren en commercieel te maken, de dienstverlening is met sprongen achteruit gegaan, de prijzen met diezelfde sprongen vooruit, er word...
: Microsoft en FIDO
Sorry for English reader, this one is in Dutch even though I try to keep my techgblogs in English I really was too lazy to translate this one, might still do that one of these days though. Vandaag ben ik weer eens gaan bijlezen op mijn security nieuws, ik liep hier een ruime week in achter, zoals in veel dingen, beetje afgeleid door andere dingen. Dus heb ik natuurlijk weer wat dingen waar ik een mening over heb, deze heb ik al op Facebook gelucht voor een groot gedeelte maar onderstaande werd wel wat lang voor een Facebook post. En misschien ook wel wat te technisch, vandaar een blogje...
