
Muziek: A Tale of Revenge
Another Ensiferum songtekst, this time A Tale of Revenge and again, I can so relate to the text. He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown Like stillborn child drifting in the silent seas Of blood, crushing all his dreams No castle walls can hold the fury in his eyes Devotion for death, now controls his life No gold or silver can bring him consolation Only one thing is left inside him, the desire of revenge One light so cold and pale, sleeping quietly all alone One life so old and gray, wandering away from home Parted with a horrid...
Persoonlijk: Torn Apart
Je zou denken dat ik na 9 relaties en 11 liefdes geleerd zou hebben niet meer verliefd te worden op vrouwen die nog niet over hun ex heen zijn of andere vage emotionele problemen hebben...Maar nee, niets blijkt minder waar want ik moest een 12-de keer verliefd worden, dit verhaal heb ik al ergens opgeschreven echter niet gepubliceerd om de privacy van sommige mensen te bewaren, dit ga ik ook niet meer doen en ik zal er hier niet over uitweiden... suffice to say, I did it again, ik werd in dit geval weer verliefd op een vrouw die nog niet over haar ex heen was en die vrouw besloot, net als...
Persoonlijk: Tears
Song text off Ensiferum - Tears, fits perfectly with my current mood: Tears Shadows of evening on a traveller´s way Destiny tells where the strange path will lead you Alone I´ve been walking this path every day under the stars and the white silver moon I hear a song and I´m closing my eyes while it´s sound is carresing my poor and sad mind Will you tonight give your promise to me For one day the silence will sleep in your dreams I´ve been waiting for so long time to see the light of golden bright sun I feel no sorrow in the heart of mine for the tears of life are now gone Winds are whispering...
Persoonlijk: Speedy
On Monday the 19th of august (a few weeks ago by now) my old and sweet cat Speedy died. He lived to the ripe old age of 18,5 years old. I miss him but I am also happy that he died in peace. He had a tumor in his stomach which I discovered before he really had problems with it, chances that he would survive an operation at his age where very very slim so I decided to have him put down. He died in my arms while I was hugging him, this was very hard for me but I could see he had enough and was ready to die, he kept purring and looking at me as if to say "It's ok, don't worry, I am happy to go...
: Privacy on the internet
Well, we can be very short about that, privacy on the internet doesn't exist. No matter which site you go to, you'll get tracking cookies, sites that read your browsing history, targeted ads based on your search history and probably a lot more. The real question is whether this is a serious problem or not. For example, Google. Did anyone ever try to turn of the tracking in Google? It is possible, if you have a Google account, just log on to your account and find the option to disable tracking and targeted ads. I did this, you know what the result was? I suddenly got a shitload of ads for...
